The Ceremonial Hall

It is a place located in the Woodlands behind the village where the Arcane Crown Kin resides. In this hall, their youngsters, upon reaching fifteen years of age, go to be ‘welcomed’ to the tribe as full fledged members. The place is very much weaved through with magic of the sorcerers, shamans and healers of the tribe and the ceremony puts an imaginary seal on the participants which unlocks their power and allows them to use it to the full extent. To get to the Ceremonial Halls, one would need to go through the Woodlands. It’s a nice and relaxing place with animals, some moss and undergrowth, nothing special, up until one would reach the clearing. At first it would seem as if there were remnants of a collapsed building randomly lying around until one would enter this structure which looks like a hall that has been blown up from within but the fragments are kept afloat.

The gate like part is where the Elders  stand and lead the ceremony from. The three column like structures are known as the Anchors. They keep the magic flowing; hence, the building can maintain its current appearance. Each of them also belongs to one of the specializations in the tribe. This location has similarly concentrated magic like the Sanctuary of Knowledge, but not to such a great extent.


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