Daydream Kronna

Genus: Kronna

Species: Daydream

Characteristics: A carnivorous plant that usually grows in open plains with long grass where it has direct access to sunlight. However, it would not survive in subtropical and tropical regions. It can be propagated by cutting off the blossom. For the first few stages of growth, it needs to be kept in shade or long grass as young Kronna are susceptible to burn from the direct sun. (Hence, why they are generally seen in tall grass).

The plant releases pollen of red and orange hues which when inhaled can soothe or in greater doses sedate. Its long Stigmas can then capture the prey and once within their hold it closes it’s petals to digest.

The pollen is commonly used as part of healers concoctions.

Daydream Kronna blossom (Credit: The Siren by Gorrem on DeviantArt)