Work in Progress III.

The map of Ngakau has been uploaded and with it I am going to start working on the rest of the clans that are noted on the map. After clans, which are my primary focus at the moment, I will most likely do fauna and flora in more detail. However, if you have any suggestions, or would like to know a bit more about something, don’t hesitate and put in the comments.

Like I promised, I don’t forget, even if I disappear.

Work in Progress II.

Weeks have passed as I have said and finally, at the end of the holiday week, I might just be able to sit down for a moment and post a bit on Customs in Ngakau, specifically for the Arcane Crown Kin. I will also revise the rest of the clans that inhabit that continent and try to post at least one of those. The map is still in progress, but hopefully will be put up soon as well.

Just keep believing that I haven’t forgotten. Because I truly haven’t.

Work in Progress I.

Life has got in my way these days. I am also working on a map of Ngakau. I will try and post as soon as time will allow. I mean, the to-do list is ever growing and I would love to munch through it steadily, but I am afraid that for the next couple days, maybe weeks, there might not be any post. That doesn’t mean I have forgotten about Promia, however. It is, and always will be, on my mind, undergoing constant evolution. I just need to steal a few minutes for myself to write it all down.

Be patient with me, please.