Calendar system


  • Starts with the first day of the season of Rebirth
  • Has 270 days


10 months in a year:

  1. Thaw
  2. Spring
  3. Bud
  4. Grow
  5. Ripe
  6. Harvest
  7. Plow
  8. Low Sun
  9. First Snow
  10. Frost


5 days in a week:

  1. Sterten
  2. Sequi
  3. Midest
  4. Fior
  5. Enti


There are 4 seasons:

  1. Rebirth (=Spring; lasts 3 months, from Thaw till Bud)
  2. Warm period (=Summer; lasts 2.5 months, from Grow till mid Harvest)
  3. Falling leaves (=Autumn; lasts 2.5 months from mid Harvest till Low Sun)
  4. Snow blanket (=Winter; lasts 2 months from First Snow till Frost)

Calendar example with indication of full and new moon

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